Norman Mailer quotes In Memorium

When I read it, I don’t wince, which is all I ever ask for a book I write.

I knew that there was one thing I wanted to be and that was a writer.

Culture’s worth huge, huge risks. Without culture we’re all totalitarian beasts.
Norman Mailer

Three weeks before Norman Mailer died at 84 years old (11/10/07) he published another book. And most days after he did his crossword puzzle he wrote. I’m sure he had good days and bad days even with two Pulitzer Prizes under his belt. According to the article Norman Mailer invented and reinvented himself many times over the years as a screenwriter, writer, editor, director, and journalist. And he had a controversial, colorful life, but there’s one thing that most writers will agree he was a literary genius.

The Writing Nag

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